From Around Campus

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In The Classroom

Fifth Graders Create Interactive Wax Museum! 

Investigating careers can be fun! The fifth grade class did just that when they created an interactive wax museum to highlight a specific career. Can you guess their future careers? A beekeeper, NICU nurse and Navy Seal!
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In The Garden

Seniors and Sixth Graders Collaborate On WCA Garden

Our students have been getting their hands dirty and working together in the garden to create a welcoming entrance on Central Ave.


Coaching Opportunity 

Middle School Seeks Cross Country Coach For 2024-2025 Season

Wildwood Catholic Academy is looking for a Middle School Cross County Coach for grades 5-8 for next season. The season is September through the beginning of November. Practice is 3 days per week after school and meets. Volunteer must complete a background check and Virtus course before September 1, 2024. If interested email WCA Athletic Director, Mike Rennie at [email protected].
