Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week

WCA celebrated Catholic Schools Week with guest speakers, field trips, dance parties, knowledge bowl, dress down days and so much more!


high school students speaker

Our high school students heard from former Olympian, Priscilla Loomis. She spoke about the Olympic mindset, leadership, and faith. What an important message for our high schoolers to hear!


girls basketball celebrate mass together

The week kicked off with a special mass at S.t Ann's. The girls' basketball team celebrated mass together before their 49-47 win over Woodbury later that day.

patriotic dress down

On Wednesday, the Lower Level celebrated our nation with a patriotic dress down. They also made Valentine’s Day cards for our veterans. We ❤️ the USA!!

career day

The Lower Level celebrated our community service members during Career Day. Not only were the students able to dress up as their future careers, but they had very special visitors.

lower level dance party

The lower level ended Student Appreciation Day with a Dance Party!


WCA high school students attended “No Limits Academy" in Rio Grande. The mission of NLA is a boxing and youth developmental center that supports the children of Cape May County to create stewards of our community.

student appreciation day

The lower level ended Student Appreciation Day with a Dance Party!
